5/13/20 I Hope & Service

Signs of Hope

Today we offer this reflection from Madeleine L'Engle's "Glimpses of Grace"

"And that's what it's all about: God's love. God's unmerited, unqualified live, waiting for us. We don't have to deserve that love which is ours, ours whether we want it or not. If we don't want it, that love can be terrible indeed. But if we reach out for God with love, God's love will surround us. God made us, made us in love, and that love will never falter. Wherever we are, whatever we do, God's love for us is there, firm, steadfast, forever, and show us in the love that came to us in Jesus Christ, in whose resurrection we are all newly born and fully alive."

and this song reminding us of God's continued presence and grace in our lives:

Ways to Serve:

-Donate blood at the SSUMC Activities Center this Thursday, May 14th!  You can sign up for a time slot here: 

-Serve by helping with our online worship service! Options include reading scripture, saying the Apostles’ Creed, saying part of the Apostles’ Creed, or joining fun singing projects (lip syncing definitely allowed and welcome!)   Please contact Nicole Marane at nmarane@ssumc.org

-Support our upcoming week of Family Promise by purchasing supplies through their Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1HRN6HR3Q77OY/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_1?_encoding=UTF8&type=wishlist#

-Sign up to help with the food pantry located at Samad Grill here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d44aaab22abf85-feed

-Sign up to help with the food pantry located at Under the Cork Tree here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c45a8ac29a6fb6-popuppantries


5/15/20 I Devotion


Spiritual Practice: The Ignatian Examen