Good Friday I 4/10/20

Online Worship Guide
Good Friday 2020, Sandy Springs UMC

 Service of Tenebrae

A Service of Tenebrae, or "Shadows," is based on a twelfth–century late night/early morning service and is an extended meditation on the passion of Christ. You are invited to listen to the passion narrative and reflect on music, prayers, and silence in between. 

Welcome, Prayer, and Call to Worship  

God is light, in whom there is no darkness at all.  
Jesus Christ is the light of the world.  
And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, 
And we loved darkness rather than light.   

The Passion of Jesus Christ 

Reading 1: Questioning 

Song:   O Sacred Head Now Wounded

Reading 2: Seizing 

Song: Jesus Remember Me

Reading 3: Denial 

Song: Lord Have Mercy

Reading 4: Binding 

Reading 5: Betrayal 


Reading 6: Trial 

Song: Long Time Traveler The Wailin’ Jennys

Reading 7: Truth-telling  


One: What is truth?  Jesus is the way and the truth who brings life.   
Many: Truth preaches peace in the face of violence and love instead of hate.  
One: Truth practices hospitality, healing, and serving.   
Many: Truth forgives, reconciles, and nourishes.  
One: Truth seeks justice, loves kindness, and walks humbly with God.  
Many: Jesus is the way and the truth.   
One: And yet, we lament, for lies rule the world, 
Many: This world where truth is crucified.    

Reading 8: Release  

Prayer of Confession:  

O God, our God, how often we fail you. 
With Judas, we chafe at your teachings and betray you. 
With Peter, we stand at a distance and deny you. 
With the high priests, we question and doubt you. 
With Pilate, we give up, and wash our hands of you. 
With the crowd, we favor Barabbas, and watch love die.  
This heavy day reminds us 
how you have borne our infirmities 
and been crushed by our transgressions. 
We remember how in your suffering, you touch the places where we are broken, 
and make us whole.  
In our abandonment, you never abandon us.   
Cleanse us, Lord, and make true our hearts 
that we may hold fast to you 
and live for you, come what may.

Reading 9: Scourging

Song: By Way of Sorrow The Wailin’ Jennys

Reading 10: Abandonment 

Song: Beneath The Cross of Jesus

Reading 11: Crucifixion 

Song: Were You There, Vs. 1

Reading 12: Casting Lots  

Song: Were You There, Vs. 2

Reading 13: Grief 

Song: Were You There, Vs. 3

Reading 14: It is finished 

Song: Were You there, Vs. 4

Reading 15: Piercing 


Reading 16: Burial  


You are invited to sit in silence and a spirit of contemplation.


Worship I 4/12/20


Maundy Thursday I 4/9/20