July 2020: Results of SSUMC community visioning process are compiled. A team of church members identified a wide variety of community members and asked three questions about the church’s role in the community, and outsider impressions. Overall sentiment was that SSUMC was a recognizable church and in a prime location, it didn’t play the intergral role in the community its location would suggest.

August 2020: Members of the SSUMC congregation were gathered for a three-night visioning session over Zoom. They examined the life-cycle of the church and trends related to attendance, membership giving, finances and facilities. Through this work, we crafted a Vision: We are a wellspring of love and hospitality. We seek to impact our neighbors by building life-changing relationships, nurturing spiritual growth, and fostering service through impactful partnerships.

September 2020: Sandy Springs UMC Council Participates in a strategic ministry planning retreat. A goal that emerges from this retreat is related to facilities, and a review that will ensure they are living into our new vision.

October 2020: Council adopts two goals for 2021 tied to operational sustainability.

  • By July 2021, a team of 3-5 people will present a 5-year plan for Operational Sustainability to the Church Council. One component of this plan is a complete inventory of all facilities and assets for SSUMC with a project list of needed improvements and estimated costs for each facility. This information may be acquired by employing the services of a building auditor/commercial building inspector. Additionally, this team will perform a complete budget analysis and suggestions for clarity in financial documents in order to align ministry resources, personnel and facilities with our newly discerned vision.

  • An exploration team will be created to explore at least three options for leveraging the value of Church-owned real estate to fully live into our newly discerned vision.