6/3/20 I Hope & Service

Signs of Hope

This week we find hope in the reminders in Mary Oliver's reading of her poem, "A Summer Day"

Ways to Serve:

-Serve by helping with our online worship service! Options include reading scripture, saying the Apostles’ Creed, saying part of the Apostles’ Creed, or joining fun singing projects (lip syncing definitely allowed and welcome!)   Please contact Nicole Marane at nmarane@ssumc.org

-Sign up to help with the food pantry located at Samad Grill here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d44aaab22abf85-feed

-Sign up to help with the food pantry located at Under the Cork Tree here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c45a8ac29a6fb6-popuppantries

Help Action Ministries #KeepKidsFed This Summer

Social Distancing can't keep Action Ministries from pursuing its mission—so long as there are hungry in our communities, Action Ministries will be serving! Help "Keep Kids Fed" this summer by serving and giving to Action Ministries' Smart Lunch Smart Kid program. 

North Georgia United Methodists can help by:


  • Donating directly to Smart Lunch Smart Kid

  • Setting up a fundraising page and encouraging others to give

  • Donating food through Action Ministries' Amazon wish list


  • Deliver SuperPacks (meal packs for kids) to Action Ministries summer feeding sites

Serving From Home

  • Write "Happy Mail" (notes for kids and/or birthday cards for clients)

  • Purchase food needed to complete Packs and drop it off following instructions online

  • Collect needed food items with your church during the month of June and deliver to Action Ministries volunteer center June 26.

Learn more about how we can #KeepKidsFed with Action ministries this summer at Smartlunchsmartkid.com. 

Volunteer Opportunities at CAC: 

Several volunteer opportunities are available at CAC!  New and previous volunteers between the ages of 15 and 65 are welcome for onsite volunteering while we ask our more senior volunteers to continue to stay at home due to COVID-19. Volunteers would ideally be able to commit to a regular schedule such as once a week since positions require training.  We also have opportunities for phone work from home.  If you have thought about joining our team to help your neighbors in need now is the time! Contact Nolan at volunteer@ourcac.org.

Food Pantry Check In
This new position entails working  on site at 8607 Roswell Rd, talking to new and existing clients in person to verify documentation and using a computer. Training provided.  Available time slots: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9am-1:45pm. Sign up here.  
Thrift Shop Donation Sorters/Pricers
In anticipation of re-opening the thrift shop at a later date, we will soon begin taking donations again and need volunteers to sort, hang and price donations of clothing and home goods. Training provided. Sign up here. 

Food Pantry Packing and Donation Processing
Volunteers are needed to pack bags of food on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. About 250 bags of food are packed each of those days. Involves some heavy lifting. Other duties may also take place on those days such as taking in and processing donations and stocking shelves. Sign up here. 


5/29/20 I Devotion