Take delight in the Lord, and God will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in God, and God will act. Psalm 37:4-5
Morning Prayer
Loving and Gracious God, We delight in you! We commit to your ways--ways of love, mercy, peace, justice, grace, humility, and salvation. We trust you to lead us, to act in loving, merciful, peaceful, just, grace-filled, humble, and salvific ways. We confess that too often our own desires and egos get in the way of trusting where you would lead us. As we pray for your vision for SSUMC this morning, let this be a prayer of emptying. Emptying our best laid plans and opening ourselves to where you would lead us. Show us, God, how to use our gifts to connect with our community. Show us, God, how we can meet the needs of Sandy Springs. Show us a future beyond anything we could ask or imagine or dream on our own, but that we trust you have for us. Today we delight, commit, trust, and dream your dreams--what a joy and privilege! We pray in the name of Jesus, our savior, Amen.
Evening Prayer
Holy One, You are our creator, redeemer, and sustainer. We delight in your creation and continue to commit to your ways. We know that your mission for us is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. As we prepare for rest, we pray that your dreams of discipleship would be our dreams this night. That you show us your vision for SSUMC--where our unique gifts and the needs of our community intersect for disciple making-- and that we are bold enough to listen. Enlarge our imaginations, we pray, so that no vision is too large, no dream too unimaginable. To trust and believe that with you, all things are possible. May it be so! Amen.
Journal Question This Week: